Learning Foundations: Literacy & Numeracy
To prepare students for college and career readiness, the foundations must be established with literacy and numeracy skills. This begins prior to our students entering kindergarten. Each spring, Avonworth Primary Center hosts a Pre-K Literacy Night to help families transition and understand the importance of reading at school and at home, and pre-K students visit in the spring to read and get familiar with the surroundings. With both activities, students receive books.
A scope and sequence for word-building, comprehension, writing, grammar, and assessment is in place and the literacy teams in both the Avonworth Primary Center and the Avonworth Elementary School meet monthly to discuss assessments and share feedback. Primary and elementary teachers have been trained on literacy practices through the Reading Achievement Center at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) and through the Fox Chapel School District Reading Center. Additionally, the ELA teachers have participated in “Cultivating Comprehension” training at the AIU.
Similarly, numeracy skills are exercised daily, and students work with focus points like Number and Operations, Number and Operations and Algebra, and Measurement. Where applicable math is applied to solve problems and is used in cross-curricular and interdisciplinary ways.
Research & Articles:
National Reading Panel Recommendations
Teaching Literacy in All Content Areas